Quadratically constrained quadratic program¶
We consider the following special QCQP problem:
\[\min_x -\frac{1}{2} x^T Q x + b^T x + d, ~\text{s.t.}~ \|x\|_2 \leq 1\]
where \(Q\) is a symmetric positive definite matrix. We solve the problem with TMAC by using backward-forward splitting.
In the bin folder, the executable file tmac_bfs_l2_ball_qp
solves the above problem. The usage for tmac_prs_demo is:
./tmac_bfs_l2_ball [options]
-nthread < total number of threads, default: 1. >
-epoch < total number of epochs, default: 10. >
-problem_size < the dimension of the problem, default: 0 >
You can run the following command in the test directory to solve the l1 regularized least square problem for the large dense dataset.
./bin/tmac_bfs_l2_ball_qp -nthread 1 -problem_size 100 -epoch 200
You can expect to get output similar to the following:
Parameter settings:
Problem size: 100
TMAC step size: 0.5
Operator step size: 0.05
Use controller: false
Objective value is: 45.8257
Computing time is: 1.97591
||x||_2 = 0.834947
The current app use synthesis data, you can easily modify the code to load your own data. You can also modify the feasible set to other supported constraints.