Support vector machine (SVM)

We apply TMAC to solve the following support vector machine problem

\[\min_x \lambda \, \|x\|^2 + \sum_{i=1}^N \max(0, 1 - b_i \cdot a_i^T x)\]

where \(\{(a_1, b_1), ..., (a_N, b_N)\}\) is the set of data-label pairs, and \(\lambda>0\) is the regularization parameter.

We solve the dual formulation of the SVM with coordinate update method.

Data preparation

We support LIBSVM format. The code can be easily adopt to data in matrix market format.


In the bin folder, the executable file tmac_fbs_dual_svm solves the dual formulation of SVM.

The usage for tmac_fbs_dual_svm is:

./tmac_fbs_dual_svm [options]
           -data       < data in LIBSVM format >
           -nthread    < total number of threads, default: 1. >
           -epoch      < total number of epochs, default: 10. >
           -lambda     < regularization parameter, default 1. >


You can run the following command to train a SVM model on the news20 dataset:

./bin/tmac_fbs_dual_svm -data ./data/news20.binary -epoch 10 -nthread 2 -lambda .001

You can expect to get output similar to the following:

Parameter settings:
Problem size:               19996
TMAC step size:             1
Operator step size:         0.01
Use controller:             false
Objective value is: -19.6826
Computing time  is: 0.894006
# of nonzero in x: 19996
||x||_2 =: 0.141407