Dense vector

The Vector class for dense vectors. It is a subclass of std::vector<double>. Its purpose is to provide convenient mechanisms for performing basic vector operations, such as constructing the vector, retrieving the size and setting the value for a given index. The precision of the entries are double.

An example of generating a vector with size \(n\) of real double-precision numbers with value 3.14 is the following

Vector x(n, 3.14);

The underlying data storage for Vector is std::vector<double>.

class Vector

Constructors and destructors


It creates a default empty vector.

Vector(int n)

A vector of size n is created. It allocates memory, and initializes the value to 0.

Vector(int n, double val)

A vector of size n is created. It allocates memory, and initializes the value to val.

Member functions for file I/O

read(std::istream &in)

Read data from input stream and save the data as a Vector.

write(std::ostream &out)

Write a Vector to a out stream with matrix market format.