Dense matrix

The Matrix class for dense matices. Its purpose is to provide convenient mechanisms for performing basic matrix operations, such as constructing the matrix, retrieving the size, setting the value at \((i, j)\). The matrix is stored in row row major and The precision of the entries are double.

An example of generating a \(m x n\) matrix of real double-precision numbers with value 3.14 is the following

Matrix x(m, n, 3.14);

The underlying data storage for Matrix is std::vector.

class Matrix

Constructors and destructors


This creates a default empty matrix.

Matrix(int m, int n)

A matrix of size \(m x n\) is created. It allocates memory, and initializes the value to 0.

Matrix(int m, int n, double val)

A matrix of size \(m x n\) is created. It allocates memory, and initializes the value to val.

Member functions

size_t rows() const

Return the number of rows of the matrix.

size_t cols() const

Return the number of cols of the matrix.

size_t nnz() const

Return the number of nonzeros in the matrix.

void resize(size_t m_, size_t n_)

Resize the matrix to size \(m_ x n_\).

double &operator()(size_t i, size_t j)

Retrieve the \((i, j)\) th entry of the matrix.

const double &operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const

Retrieve the \((i, j)\) th entry of the matrix.

Member functions for file I/O

void read(std::istream &in)

Read data from input stream and save the data as a Matrix.

void write(std::ostream &out)

Write a Matrix to a out stream with matrix market format.